Certified courses


Learn to take responsibility for your life.

Why is One Brain® kinesiology so brilliant?

The Method

You will learn that you can take responsibility for your life and that by working on yourself you can resolve your own issues and function much better in your everyday life, create your life and HAVE A CHOICE.

You will use the experience gained through the One Brain® Kinesiology in your everyday life and be able to function even better in a competitive corporate environment or other commercial practice where you meet very ambitious and very rational people.

Come, try, get the benefits - techniques for everyday life, meet new people, learn a new method with tradition and results, improve your English and get certified.

This is the first courses in a very long time to be opened in the original language of the method originated - worldwide. You will get tools and materials in English and if you decide to help others, you have an open field of action in all English speaking countries. 

Boost your energy and try one technique for free

It's easier than you think!

In this video tutorial, I will guide you how to release tension before an important meeting or an unpleasant situation anytime and anywhere. This simple but effective technique will help you achieve inner calm and focus so that you can fully take in what's really important. 

Just fill out the form below and we'll send the free video directly to your inbox.

Get a tool to help you be confident and calm in any situation.


What makes our courses so unique?

Personal growth and responsability

At our courses, you will learn how to take responsability for you life and the choices you make. One Brain® techniques will give you a tool to better understand yourself and your reactions, which on it's turn can support you in achieving your goals and walk throug your life with more assurance and self-confidence. You will enhance your personal growth and learn how to deal with challenging situations with peace and consideration.

Practical techniques

At our courses, you wil learn specific and easily applicable techniques that can immediatele become a part of your everyday life. The techniques will help you to better deal with stress, improve your communication and get better prepared for important meeting or challenging situations. Like this, you will be better on in order to get the best possible result at any environment.

Tradition and results

One Brain® Kinesiology has a long tradition and thousands of success stories around the world. The method is based on proven principles that lead to lasting positive changes in personal and professional life. Our instructors will impart the knowledge and skills to help you achieve real results and enhance the quality of your life.


How can you benefit from the acquired knowledge?

kineziologie one brain

I want to get tools that will help me find my inner peace, improve my physical and mental health and in general enhance the quality of my life. 

I want to feel better and better and be able to help myself in case of stress, fatigue and other troubles as well as prevent a burnout at any domain.  

kineziologie one brain

I want to get deep and practical knowledge and exprerience in order to be able to professionally help other people in dealing with their challenges and improving their well-being. 

My aim is to benefit from the knowledge to help other people and become a Certified One Brain® Consultant Facilitator.®. 

Jana Lavičková

Jana Lavičková

Kinesiology Courses Founder

About me

I have done the translations studies and have worked for about 20 years as a professional sworn translator and interpreter. From the beginning on, it’s been a challenge. To deal with clients and also with colleagues. Then I met One Brain®. I was interested by a method that is efficient and also magical but keeps me on the ground. I didn’t want to become a foo foo lady who is not able to live a normal life. One Brain® gave me all this.

Twelve years ago, I started translating and interpreting for Three In One Concepts – the American company that holds rights for the One Brain® method. I have translated the manuals and interpreted all the classes that were held in the Czech Republic. I have also interpreted classes in France and in Belgium.

In 2012, I’ve become a Certified Consultant Facilitator, three years later an instructor, and have worked with many clients. But it has always been important to me that I also can use the techniques at my “normal” work. As a sworn interpreter, I often have to deal with challenging situations: I work for courts, for the police, I often work with people under stress. For example, I come to a police station where there is somebody arrested. The Police say “The person is detention is making problems, let’s call the interpreter to calm them down!”

I love the fact that One Brain® is a system. No matter who uses it, it should be basically the same, have the same results. It’s not a one man show. The same with classes, I have taken classes in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia, in Hungary, in Germany, in Austria, in France and in Belgium and it’s still the one method - unified, consistent and effective.


They said about the method:


By studying kinesiology, you will get the tools and techniques to help you better understand yourself, handle stressful situations, and achieve personal and professional goals. Courses are designed so that as you learn new techniques you also work on your issues, so that studying will bring you both new knowledge and, over time, relief and solutions.

In oder to study One Brain® Kinesiology,® you don't need any prior knowledge or experience. All that is needed is a willingness to work on yourself. The course is designed to be accessible to anyone who is interested in working on themselves and improving their life.

One Brain® Kinesiology® is suitable for anyone looking for an effective tool for personal development, stress management and improved mental and physical well-being. It is ideal for people who want to take responsibility for their lives and are looking for practical techniques to achieve inner peace and balance.

One of the main goals of One Brain Kinesiology® is to teach you techniques that you can use not only for yourself, but also to help others. Once you have completed all the training and become certified, you will be able to provide support and guidance to people in your community.

Yes, One Brain® Kinesiology is effective in preventing and addressing burnout syndrome. It helps people recognize and release blocks that contribute to exhaustion and teaches techniques to regain balance, energy and joy in life.

Certainly, at One Brain® Kinesiology courses, you will get the tools and skills you can start using immediately in your everyday life. It will help you deal with stress, improve your concentration and generally increase your well-being.

Yes One Brain® kinesiology uses the muscle test as a tool to identify energy blocks and disbalances in the body. This test provides feedback from the body that helps reveal areas where changes or balancing need to be made. The blancing process beginns already by testing the muscles and making noninvasive corrections. Thus, balance is not only achieved through mental work, but also through the work, i.e. corrections at the level of the physical or energetical body.

Yes, One Brain® kinesiology can help you make or rather defuse stress you might have on making choices in life. Using this method, you can gain a clearer view of your goals, defuse stress and blocks associated with decision-making, and find the courage and strength to make the changes you need to make.

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fotografie zdroj: pexels.com

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kineziologie one brain

Weak points of "Saving the World"

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