I don't like reading, said she

Another story. A girl. She hates reading. She even has bad grades in mathematics as soon as the description of what she’s supposed to count is longer than one sentence.

Most of us can remember times when we had to read our first book. Maybe it seemed too long, maybe the plot didn't make sense to us, or maybe we simply felt like we'd rather be doing something else. And then suddenly something happens that changes everything – and we discover that there's a whole new world hidden in the stories we're reading.

In today's article I would like to share with you the story of a girl who had a reading issue. At first, no one cared about it; not everyone has to be a reader. She enjoyed math and did well as long as the exercises fit into one short sentence. However, once the assignment was longer, there was a problem. While she was good at the actual counting, the text of the assignment could be so distracting that she couldn't concentrate, let alone arrive at the result.

Her approach was to close her eyes. At first, her grades got a little worse, but then came Covid, everything was assigned in writing, which the young lady ignored, and when the parents got a third warning from the teacher, it was time for a defusion.

No dramatic memories or situations came up during the session. The young lady was not too talkative, so we made a few small corrections, nothing visibly groundbreaking. But the farther we got, the more emotions surfaced. A few tears turned into a lot of tears. Again, no story, no drama, just the tears. With permission, we ended the session and...

The holidays came. On a holiday by the sea, her parents noticed that the young lady was still lying over a book. Even when she finished the book, she just laconically said, "Never mind, I'll read it again." She discovered the world of science fiction. From that moment on, books have been a source of joy and relaxation to her; she has discovered a new world.

When she wrote to Santa to ask other books from him, she only curtly stated "our Czech teacher would never believe that."

What's changed? The block that was triggered when there were more letters together and manifested itself by the brain simply shutting down was defused. We close our eyes and pretend it doesn't exist! And suddenly she can keep her eyes open and discover whole new worlds.

photograph source: pexels.com