Kinesiology Courses Founder

Jana Lavičková

I have done the translations studies and have worked for about 20 years as a professional sworn translator and interpreter. From the beginning on, it’s been a challenge. To deal with clients and also with colleagues. Then I met One Brain®. I was interested by a method that is efficient and also magical but keeps me on the ground. I didn’t want to become a foo foo lady who is not able to live a normal life. One Brain® gave me all this.

Twelve years ago, I started translating and interpreting for Three In One Concepts – the American company that holds rights for the One Brain® method. I have translated the manuals and interpreted all the classes that were held in the Czech Republic. I have also interpreted classes in France and in Belgium.

Since 2012 I have been a certified consultant-facilitator of this method, three years later I completed my first instructor course and have helped many clients. However, for me it is equally important that I can use the One Brain® techniques in my everyday life and in my "normal" work. As a court interpreter, I often find myself in emotionally challenging situations, for example when I arrive at the police station to see a detainee. More than once I have heard, "The detainee is upset, call an interpreter to calm him down."

I love the fact that One Brain® is a system. No matter who uses it, it should be basically the same, have the same results. It’s not a one man show. The same with classes, I have taken classes in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia, in Hungary, in Germany, in Austria, in France and in Belgium and another kinesiology modality also in the UK: it’s still the one method - unified, consistent and effective.

Jana Lavičková