Interesting articles from the kinesiology world

I wanted to give up interpreting German
I have never had major issues with learning. I knew that One Brain, is good for learning disabilities and was told that taking the second module, Basic One Brain, makes miracles with learning issues. I thought I didn’t have any.

I don't like reading, said she
Another story. A girl. She hates reading. She even has bad grades in mathematics as soon as the description of what she’s supposed to count is longer than one sentence. Most of us can remember times when we had to read our first book.

Precipitous labor: reason for the fear of driving
I remember my very first client. She came to me with the issue of driving. The best age for the defusion was her birth. I asked her “What might have happened there? Imagine it as you were watching it on TV or just being a part of this…”

What makes kinesiology so special?
There are so many methods to help yourself. Why kinesiology? As I say in one of my videos, “because of the body”. A kinesiology session obviously starts with talking, but only to meet the client, attune to them and to define the issue. Then we move!

Attention: it's a trap!
Kineziologie One Brain® je jednou z moderních metod, které nepracují na tématu pouze v přítomnosti, ale i v takzvané „věkové recesi“ nebo „věkovém odstupu“. Jsou metody, které také přímo hovoří o regresi.

Weak points of "Saving the World"
Many people have a natural desire to help others and contribute to make the world a better place. To feel empathy, a desire to make a difference, to be a support to your loved ones or community - these are noble qualities. However, this desire to "save the world" can also have its weaknesses if not properly balanced with one's own needs and boundaries. If saving others becomes the main purpose of life, it can lead to burnout, frustration, or a sense of disappointment when results do not materialize.

How can I benefit from the One Brain® courses?
One Brain® courses are not just an ordinary training or skills practice. It is a profound transformational process that can bring you many practical and emotional benefits. Understanding the connection between emotions, body and mind is at the heart of this method. As a result, the courses will not only help you to deal with stress and emotions, but also give you tools that you can use in your everyday life or in your work with others.

How can I help others?
When we think about how we can really help others, we often forget a basic truth: to effectively help others, we must first help ourselves. How we feel inside greatly affects our ability to support and treat others in a healthy and respectful way. Let's take a look at how this equation is put together.

What’s a One Brain® Defusion?
One Brain® Defusion is a gentle and effective process that helps clients find the deeper causes of their problems and release the blocks that are preventing them from improving. How does a session like this work?