There are so many methods to help yourself. Why kinesiology? As I say in one of my videos, “because of the body”. A kinesiology session obviously starts with talking, but only to meet the client, attune to them and to define the issue. Then we move!
We start doing several “exercises”. First with the arms than also with legs. The aim of this is to reduce the emotional stress through the body. Instead of talking about the issue back and force, we start releasing it through simple and noninvasive body corrections.
You may know the feeling that you talk about the issue and you just can’t connect with the feeling and the more you mentally try the less it is possible. We start with balancing the body, releasing the block on the body level and then the mental work is much easier and more gentle.
Responsibility and what?
A friend of mine looked at my Website and said quite deceived, “Jana, you have to do it more attractive, describe what miracles can kinesiology do, you only have there something like Take responsibility for your life! It’s so boring!”
But responsibility is everything. If you don’t take responsibility for something, if you don’t own it, how can you have control over it, how do you want to change it?
How does it work? Again, the body is the clue. Our work is based on the body work. The client’s body. We show the client how the muscle test works. The client can feel the reactions of the body. They can feel the feelings, they can find the answers. We as Consultant Facilitators only ask questions, test the muscles and do the corrections. All the rest is the client’s responsibility. This is the only way to sustainable changes!
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