How can I help others?

When we think about how we can really help others, we often forget a basic truth: to effectively help others, we must first help ourselves. How we feel inside greatly affects our ability to support and treat others in a healthy and respectful way. Let's take a look at how this equation is put together.

Help yourself first

If we want to be a support to others, we need to be in balance with ourselves. This does not only mean physical health, but above all inner peace and emotional stability. How can we hold someone up if we don't have a firm footing ourselves?

One Brain® courses are designed to keep this equation going. You learn new techniques for working with people, but at the same time, and first and foremost, you apply these techniques to yourself. 

Happy people don't harm the environement

This statement can be understood both literally and metaphorically. Happy people have no need to vent their negative emotions on others. When we work on our inner satisfaction and balance, we don't create as much conflict in our environment. Instead, we contribute to a harmonious environment in which we can be supportive of others.

One Brain® Kinesiology works at the level of the emotions and the subconscious, allowing us to approach the problems of others with a greater dose of understanding and patience. Our actions are then motivated not by stress or inner agitation, but by a genuine intention to help.

Less is more

Sometimes, we can get the impression that if one does not establish a world peace, there is no point in getting out of bed. But let's not underestimate the impact of small things, we let go a bus pulling out of a bus stop and it blinks at us, we let go a gentleman in a shop who buys only bread rolls and salami and he thanks us, smiling understandingly at a lady with a crying child ... sometimes it's far more than trying to help someone who hasn't asked for our help.

Help professionally

After completing the training path, you will become a certified consultant facilitator of the One Brain® method able to work professionally with clients. What does this mean in practice? You will gain enough knowledge, skills and experience to be able to conduct a session with a client with awareness of your own responsibilities, ethical boundaries, and the capacities of the method and the client.