What’s a One Brain® Defusion?

One Brain® Defusion is a gentle and effective process that helps clients find the deeper causes of their problems and release the blocks that are preventing them from improving. How does a session like this work?

Definig the issue: first step to the solution

The session begins by defining the issue the client wants to work on. This step is essential and represents a certain art. Sometimes the problem is clearly defined, such as fear of driving. Other times there is a deeper sub-issue behind the surface issue. For example, a weight loss problem may reveal that the client is eating his emotions, feels unworthy of good food, or fears the attention of the opposite sex.

When we have defined the issue, we can continue with....

Preliminary balancing: Balancing of emoitions through the body

Once the issue is defined, the body work begins. The preliminary balancing is the first physical step, which aims to harmonize the body and emotions. This process not only reduces stress, but also helps to refine the issue we will be working with. Balancing the body will often give a clue as to what emotions are associated with the issue.

Emotions: the clue

After the preliminary balancing, we start dealing with the emotions associated with the issue. The client is guided to realize how they feel and react when they feel a certain emotion. This step is crucial because it is the emotional state that is the indicator of what the stressor might be that needs do be dealed with.

Physical and energetical corrections

Once the emotions are clearly identified, physical and energetic corrections are made. These techniques help to further reduce the stress and can allow the client a deeper insight into their issue. As a result, it is often possible to better grasp the issue and understand its roots.

Age recession: Back to the Past

If we get permission from the client's body and mind, we go into what is called an age recession. This does not mean a hypnosis, but rather a return to events in the past that might have been at the origine of the current stress. For example, driving stress may be linked to a childhood experience or even the moment of childbirth. At this point in the session, we work with past emotions, fears and concerns that may still be present on a subconscient level.

Verification and closing the Session

After the defusion itself, we go back to the present time and check if the issue has been well defused. It is very important that the whole process is client-led. The client is aware of everything that happens during the session and is in control of what is shared. In doing so, he or she takes responsibility for his or her own healing process.

If the difusion is done, the session is completed with the client's permission.

The One Brain® method is gentle, effective and respects the client's boundaries and needs. It helps people not only understand their emotions, but also find ways to release old patterns of behavior and gain a new perspective on their lives.