It’s difficult to describe the body work in words. You have to experience it.
After balancing the system through the body, we can discover some stories.
I remember my very first client. She came to me with the issue of driving. The best age for the defusion was her birth. I asked her “What might have happened there? Imagine it as you were watching it on TV or just being a part of this…” And she started crying and said “You speak so quickly, I can’t follow you.” And obviously, when she was born, things happened too quickly for her. She needed her time. To make her decisions. To go through the birth canal at her own pace.
So she had stress every time when she felt (it’s important to emphasize that that was her reality) somebody was pushing or rushing on her, she got stressed and wasn’t able to do anything but avoid the overall situation. So in car, she always had the feelings that the cars going behind her were also pushing on her. After the defusion, the feeling was gone. Certainly, there are always these pushers but without stress, you can do many things about that and it’s not the reason to give up driving at all.
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